
Students' birthday!!!

Tarcila: December 24th
Celia: September 27th
Daerly: September 20th
Francisca: May 29th
Maria: February 15th
Jaelson: October 6th
Rose: March 14th

Let´s Blog!

Estamos no Laboratório de Informática da Escola Móbile.
Tivemos uma aula muito produtiva.
Os alunos do EJA Inglês escreveram textos.
Parabéns para todos vocês!
Tenho muito orgulho em fazer parte desta equipe e ter a chance de dar aulas de inglês para vocês!


Rosilene Alves

My name is Rosilene.
I'm thirty three years old.
I' live in Moema .I'm a babysitter.My favorite color is purple.
My favorite band is System of a Down.
I like salad and fish.
I don't like red meat.
I love reading!

.jaelson jose de souza

My name is Jaelson. I´m thirty two years old. I live in Santa Cecilia  .I´m a janitor .My favorite color is black. My favorite singer is Roberto Carlos.
I like chicken fillet and french fries.
I don´ t like stroganoff.


My name is Francisca. I am  thirty-eight years old.
I live on Nove de Julho Avenue.
 I´m a maid  My   favorite  color is green.
My favorite band  is The Beatles. I like pasta.I don´t like  fish.


My name is Celia.I'm twenty-six years old.I live in Guaianases.I'm a nanny.
My favorite color is red.My favorite singer is Bon Jovi.I like vegetables.I don't like beans.I love my English class.!


My name is Daerly. I´m twenty-five years old. I live in Moema. I´m a nanny. My favorite color is purple.My favorite singer is Rihana.I like rice and beans.I don´t like bell pepper. I love English!

Maria de Jesus

My name is Maria. I´m twenty-one years  old. I live in Moema.I´m a nanny. My favorite color is Red. My favorite band is Aviões do Forró.I Like pasta and lasagna. I don´t like  meat.

Tarcila Fagundes Pires de Melo

My name is Tarcila. I'm forty years old. I live in Jardim Angela. I'm a nanny. My favorite color is white and red. My favorite singer is Roberto Carlos. I like rice and beans and vegetables. I love my English class!!!!



Preparação para a apresentação

Pessoal do EJA
Muito bom o nosso ensaio hoje...
Tenho certeza que faremos uma boa apresentação.
Adicionei duas versões da música All you need is love. Uma gravação original de 1967 e outra em formato desenho animado.
Até o dia 22/6...

All you need is love ... by The Beatles- Lyrics

All you need is love
By The Beatles

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
(There's) nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
(There's) nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time - 
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
(There's) nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love is all you need, love is all you need, love is all you need, love is all you need

All you need is love ... by The Beatles - Cartoon

The Beatles Cartoon

All you need is love ... by The Beatles - Original Video Clip

Our World - BBC TV Programme - 1967

All you need is love ... by The Beatles

Em 1967, a equipe do canal londrino BBC convidou os Beatles a participarem do primeiro evento transmitido mundialmente via-satélite, ao vivo simultaneamente para 26 países: o programa Our World. Foi então solicitado que o grupo escrevesse uma música cuja mensagem pudesse ser entendida por todos os povos do planeta. John Lennon e Paul McCartney começaram a trabalhar separadamente em diferentes letras, até que Lennon acabou escrevendo esse clássico que se encaixou perfeitamente ao objetivo proposto, pois a mensagem de amor contida na canção poderia ser facilmente interpretada ao redor do mundo.


Ontem tivemos uma aula um pouco diferente. Fomos ao laboratório de informática e transformamos texto em voz. Utilizamos o site www.voki.com
Cada aluno escolheu uma sentença e criou sua própria animação.
Confiram o trabalho dos alunos do curso de inglês para jovens e adultos (EJA) da Escola Móbile.

Congratulations, students! 

Tarcila´s Video

Tarcila created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
What is your telephone number?

Conceição´s Video

Conceição created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
Where is this flag from?

Francisca´s Video

Francisca created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
What is your favorite color?

Roselene´s Video

Roselene created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
How old are you?

Jaelson´s Video

Jaelson created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
I´m from Brazil.

Daerly´s Video

Daerly created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
Today´s Thursday and I´m in the classroom.

Maria´s Video

Maria created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
What do you have?

Glaciele´s Video

Glaciele created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
The days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Célia´s Video

Célia created a video in our English Class.

Click on the link below:
Where is this flag from?
